I can tell jokes that make people laugh in the middle of the most macabre, or sad times. I can "breathe pink" and speak in "silver linings" in the darkest of spaces... I am having the damndest time putting my beads on posts and wires and strings, due to circumstances beyond my control, lately. I want so very much to be able to create the beauty that I see in my bead box... I want so much to be able to share it with others... And then there is the "impasse". I am seemingly stuck.
It seems every time that I make plans to sit down with my beads these days, life gets in the way. I really need to learn how to create through chaos. If you know how to do this please contact me... I have been battling my own personal demons for a while now, and cannot seem to find a way to make my pretty beads and baubles; and this bothers me greatly. I have pearls, I have Swarovski crystals, I have wire, I have findings and charms. I seem to be missing the "something" that puts them together.
I've put them on my stringing board, with the intent of entering Rings & Things contest "Your Designs Rock". I've gotten excited about getting in on the Early Bird and New Entrant raffles... in addition to the Grand Prize of $750 credit at Rings & Things!!
So, perhaps I've been "shaken up" a little... Things aren't improving as fast as I'd like in my "bead-i-verse"... But I'm working on it. Now I'll just go and get to work.
As always, check out my ArtFire.com Studio, there's new things gonna happen there, too!