Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I'm going to start this blog post with good memories from 2009, since it is over tonight.

I am happy to say that I got a new camera for Christmas!! I will be able to post new pieces as I create them, now!!! And since there are so many that were not photographed, I will be able to put them up, as well. I am looking forward to having a "fuller" studio on for you to browse. Check it out here, AlsoMrsB's beads & baubles.

I have loved becoming a part of the community. I know this coming year will bring more from the venue than I can imagine, and I am grateful to be a part of them!! Keep up the awesome work!!

I truly enjoyed entering the Soft Flex Company's beading contest, and that I made it to the finals was beyond my dreams! My "Volcanic" necklace and earrings are now available in my ArtFire studio, here: Volcanic Set. Feel free to send your friends in to look, too!

To my new found friends at Artbeads and Rings & Things, I couldn't have made as many things as I did this year without you!! Thank you for all your support and friendship! I will continue to tell everyone who listens (and some that don't) where I get all of my fantastic components!

To my friends from Etsy... especially Christina Guenther, without whom I would not have looked for my bead box, thanks for all your friendships. I am so glad to have been so supported in that venue in my "newness". Make sure you check out, Wicked Soaps, Among the Ruins, Annabel's Aprons, Imeon Designs all of these fine artists have been spectacular friends, and sounding boards. Thanks so much Ladies!!

In bringing in the new year, I'd like to wish everyone prosperity, peace and health... May the New Year be everything you need to accomplish all you can!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh, Lookie, A New Post!

Oh, Good Glory! It's been over a month!!

Not that I have forgotten about you all, my good readers, I have simply forgotten about life. Nope, I'm not gonna "whine"... I need to give that up.

I am going to, again, extol the virtues of "Blogging for Beaders" and my friends over at who have again, so graciously, invited me to be part of their blogging team!! AND ~ they are so smart over there ~ they are now offering MY READERS the opportunity to partake of "the goods"... I am authorized to run a contest/giveaway for an $25.00 email gift certificate!! So I am open to suggestions, as I have not yet hosted a giveaway... I have seen them done, and am always amazed at the creativity involved. Leave me a comment with your suggestion for what type of contest you think I ought to host, and perhaps we can get one going...

Meantime - I have put together another piece with the help of my friends over at and am desperately trying to share it with you... but my dang camera is acting up again!! So I am going to let you know about the components that I have used by sending you over to the Cubic Zirconia section. And, I'll keep this one short and sweet, so that I can spend more time kicking my camera and looking for a new one!! (Really I'm not going to kick the camera, it's the only one I have!! But I must get a new one...)

While you are checking out all of the CZ offerings at - make sure you look at the pendants, here; as I have partnered a long teardrop pendant with multiple bezel links found here, and a beautifully simple clasp, here. When you have your shopping cart filled use the following code for a 10% discount, too!! SCF10P-ARTBEADS-0424 It's good through the end of the year, December 31, 2009.

Here's the *~bad~* picture that came about of the simple CZ piece...
And, as if you couldn't tell, but I must... what with the new FTC disclosures; all of the Cubic Zirconia pieces used, in addition to the Sterling Silver crimps and Sterling Silver crimp covers, were given to me, free of charge, by, as a member of their blogging team, so that I may review the products and give my honest opinion of using them.

You can always find pieces for sale in my Studio.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Gets In The Way

This isn't the prettiest of posts, and I apologize, but I need to get this out. It has taken me over a week to type this, as I keep revising while I'm writing... I have not used this venue to vent, yet. I'm finding it difficult to do so, not wanting to "burden" you, my readers. At the same time, I want you to know that things are happening in this life that are causing me great duress. I have not been "working" with my beads or my posts, for a number of reasons.

I can tell jokes that make people laugh in the middle of the most macabre, or sad times. I can "breathe pink" and speak in "silver linings" in the darkest of spaces... I am having the damndest time putting my beads on posts and wires and strings, due to circumstances beyond my control, lately. I want so very much to be able to create the beauty that I see in my bead box... I want so much to be able to share it with others... And then there is the "impasse". I am seemingly stuck.

It seems every time that I make plans to sit down with my beads these days, life gets in the way. I really need to learn how to create through chaos. If you know how to do this please contact me... I have been battling my own personal demons for a while now, and cannot seem to find a way to make my pretty beads and baubles; and this bothers me greatly. I have pearls, I have Swarovski crystals, I have wire, I have findings and charms. I seem to be missing the "something" that puts them together.

So, in an attempt to "shake it up", I went to the Rings & Things Bead Tour Show.

I found some pretties to string. Not that you can tell from this picture, but there are some gorgeous "blue goldstone" beads along with some white pearls that are begging to be put into a Holiday Theme. I also found several terrific "silver dipped" pendant leaves to be used as focals.

I've put them on my stringing board, with the intent of entering Rings & Things contest "Your Designs Rock". I've gotten excited about getting in on the Early Bird and New Entrant raffles... in addition to the Grand Prize of $750 credit at Rings & Things!!

So, perhaps I've been "shaken up" a little... Things aren't improving as fast as I'd like in my "bead-i-verse"... But I'm working on it. Now I'll just go and get to work.

As always, check out my Studio, there's new things gonna happen there, too!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Handmade Holidays - Everyone Should Have One!

I'm not sure what I'm doing between now and then... perhaps "just some beading"! Hahahaha. This year no one that I know is getting a "purchased" gift. I have scads of stuff that I can use to create all my gifts and tags. And all of my wrapping papers are at least vintage, if not antique! LOL!

It seems ages since I've posted here... and I look... and yes, it's been a month, now. Wow. It is Autumn already. I am smelling the change in the air, too . This is my all time favorite season. It is my personal preparation time for "the Holidays".

I used to go out to the malls and hit the stores looking for the perfect things. These days, I don't like the rush, or the crowds, or the lingering feel "those people" leave in their wakes. I've had enough of bullying my way to a decimated display to find the last of an item that has been opened and abused!

This year... all handmade. For everyone, including myself! Santa has these terrific little elf friends, and they LOVE to craft and design with the best of us... I have found several of my own "elf friends" on!! Check out these ArtFire Artisans for some fabulous finds to have your own Handmade Holiday!!

For the BEST in handmade soaps, lotions and facial products, shop with Heathens Hearth. Their soaps are decadent but won't break your bank! Amy and Misty are truly queens of Customer Service!

For some of the prettiest choker style necklaces that I have seen, check out Archeress Arts!

Here's a GEM of a Studio! For nature inspired copper and polymer clay jewelry, check out Emily Claire Creations.

My ALL TIME favorite for hats, and knitting patterns for hats, is Pixiebell She has a VAST selection of styles as well as all the "happening" colors for the seasons! You won't be disappointed with these chapots!

I'm still "doing my thing" in my ArtFire Studio.

Check out the newest search-able features on

Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally Finshed - The Pendant Project

Here IT Is! The photo that I've submitted to the SoftFlex Company's "Flex Your Creativity" Beading Contest... IT is The Pendant Project that I have been promising for weeks for Artbeads Jewelry Supplies, from their Swarovski Pendants collection. I have had so much fun putting this piece together, and am totally grateful to Artbeads for asking me to join their blogging team!!

There are some more detailed pics, but this is the first of five that I have submitted to SoftFlex for the contest. Several of the others pics will be listed at the bottom of this post!

One of the rules for the contest was that the picture could not be "on a person"... so that "blew" the first photo I took (and LOVED)! Though, I am overall, very happy with this piece; there were a few "little tweaks" that I would liked to have made. I could NOT do so because completing this was making my nerves, as well as my fingers, raw! And the excitement of finishing the piece was so overwhelming, that it became hard to tie the knots for the "floating" aspect on the three strands of wire.

I used the SoftFlex wire Trio in "Extreme" as I thought it fit the piece beautifully. I certainly hope that I have captured "Volcanic" and "elegant" with this one! Do let me know what you think, in the comments section, below!

Here are some detailed photos... not ones that were allowed for submission, (as the piece is on a person.) Please note, the bail that I have used is NOT from Artbeads, they were out of stock; I found this one at Rings & Things (Thanks, guys, for having it in stock and getting it to me so quickly!!)

I hope you have enjoyed the anticipation, and now the end result, of these weeks of creativity. I know that there is no other way I would have liked to spend this time.

Thanks for reading, and remember; you can find me online at and Look for this piece, (and many others, including the "matching" earrings) to be listed in my ArtFire studio in the coming days...

ArtFire where listing and selling are always FREE!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The NEXT Big Thing

So hubby's birthday is next week... and he doesn't "do" jewelry. How hard is that?! Well, let me tell you, I figured out how to give him a jewelry piece that I know he'll love! Thanks go to for having a steel pendant I know he'll "wear" that I have used to create something "totally different"!

If you can't tell, it's a money clip. But I can totally see doing this with other "non-jewelry" types of products, too! I can envision a lot. But I do think the non-jewelry will have to be "Custom" or "by request" only... visit either of my websites to make those requests; AlsoMrsB's Art Fire Studio or AlsoMrsB's Etsy Shop.

I love to work with all sorts of things and people, these days. The Pendant Project, (for,) that has yet to be posted, will now additionally be incorporating the SoftFlex Company's Wire Trio in "Extreme" for their Flex Your Creativity Beading Contest.

I knew the minute that I saw the "Extreme" wires that they were PERFECT for the Pendant I was in the middle of! Okay, so I have to "re-string" the pendant and a few components... but it is so close to done, that you will finally see it (as early as Tuesday) when the contest is over. I will post to this blog, the submitted entry photo! I also hope to be able to let you know that I am a "winner" of one of their fabulous prizes! (I'm crossing my fingers, but not my wires! LOL!)

'Til then, friends, I bid you good beading and blogging!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh, HAPPY Day!!

YEAH! Hubby fixed the camera!

Now, I can happily take pictures of the COOL stuff I got from Artbeads out of their Swarovski crystal beads section.

I want to show you some earrings that I am creating to "go with" the fabulous necklace that I am creating in conjunction with my Artbeads Blog Partnership! As they are also from the Swarovski crystal beads section. I have themed this soon-to-be-set "Volcanic", as it is hot and explosive!

I am pairing the sultry "Jet" color beads with the HOT new color "Red Magma" beads and stringing them with gold components for a look that reminds me of a volcano. There may be another addition of "smoke"; I haven't quite decided, yet. And, as I forgot to place a pendant bail in my order of pieces and parts for this particular pendant, it seems that I have a small measure of time to "play with my beads” to get the look just right!! In the meantime, here are three pairs of earrings you might like to let your imagination take off with; they will all look splendid with the upcoming necklace!

You will be able to find these and other unique gifts at my studio, or at Artfire’s Gift Hub page.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh, no! NO Camera?!

Another week, another $100 of ordered beads! You might think I would have more items listed in my two shops, at Etsy and Art Fire. I will most assuredly put up new listings, as soon as I get a new camera or borrow one from a friend. I will happily post more listings!

My kids have dropped my camera one too many times, so it no longer focuses for me to "get the right shot" for my jewelry! Everything has been coming out blurry or "moving". I know my jewelry moves with the sway of a body, but I don't think that it moves by itself! LOL!

I have been proud of my pictures, up until this last batch where I had to delete all but one. I've had professional photographers tell me that my pictures are "nice"; (I read that as, "pretty good for an amateur".) My last batch looked like I was throwing the camera. Everything had "drag lines". Only one picture had enough focus to see, but not good enough to post.

Alas, I am without photos for a little while. I suppose this will give you, my reader, something to look forward to in my next post. Or a big reason to check my shop when I announce new listings!

So, this will be a short and sweet checking in, and checking out... until I have more photos, or my newest blog project comes in. Oh, yes. New blog project… I have been invited to partner with and I have chosen some very special things to (hopefully) show you, and an incredibly special thing to make!! (I will RENT a camera if I have to for this next project!!)

Friday, July 24, 2009

No Really It's a Whine --

So, it's been longer than a week... I had wanted to be able to "Whine" daily, but it seems almost like I have a life. I really don't. I guess I'll be the "Weakly Whine" instead! *laughin*

These are the things I've been "dealing with" in the time I've been away. I've been battling with my "illness", and learned that a good family friend passed away, on top of the fact that my "little sister's" got married and the funeral and the wedding were the same day! So here I am "Whining" about "things" in my life that aren't bold enough to be jewelry! The nerve of me!

NO! Not jewelry! Eegads~! How can that be?!

Alright. Okay... I hear the clamoring. I'll "whine" about my next project, instead!

I just got a TON (maybe a pound and half) of pearl beads, in a rainbow of colors!

Though, I am still waiting on some findings that I ordered to arrive. I order findings and charms and pearls, and chain, from a veritable plethora of places/people. Some get here quicker than others.

For instance, I ordered some things from a mother in Singapore, it took 6 days to arrive, and I had to go to the post office to pick up the parcel. I ordered some things from upstate Washington, it took the same six days to arrive... Is one better than the other? What gives on the whole speed of post, anyway? I have purchased items from a shop in New York, and those arrive in three to four days! Another business in Washington state gets things to me within TWO days! I give up on the whole time thing... and just look for the mail truck, now!

I get very excited to see our postal carrier, I don't even care if it is "our usual" carrier. With as much as I have ordered in the last month, I should have a package or parcel every single day. Ha! So keep watching my posts... I'll have LOTS of stuff show you! And remember to check out my shop on Etsy, and my ArtFire Studio!!

Help me out by pu
rchasing a bauble!
And send your friends over, too!!
Holidays are coming quickly!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Girl's Gotta Whine ~

Well, you may have noticed some "new ads", here. A girl's gotta do... anyway. They shouldn't affect (us) much, they are after all, just another way for me to attempt positive influx of $$. I spend entirely too much of my current negative income on beads and findings. So, I decided a little boost couldn't hurt.

Yes, not all of my beads and findings are from asking for free-bies. I do pay some pretty pennies for my pretties. My attempt is for unique, inspiring art, that you can wear. I buy mostly from close-outs, and re-purpose a lot of "old" jewelry to create my entirely unique, and one-of-a-kind's. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that soon, one of you, may want to liberate my precious baubles, to live with you. Everything I craft is built with love, and great attention to detail. You've seen a few of my pieces, you know, what I'm saying.

So, I was requested, when I first joined to fashion a "steampunk" piece; as a challenge for stepping out of my"comfort zone"... I found some amazing things to put together, and I think I've finished my first piece. Now, I just need to find the right black velvet cording to finish this as a necklace. I call this piece Summer's Moon: Flight of Freedom. Let me show you...

The pictures here do absolutely no justice to the true beauty of this star! In order to add comfort to the creativity of this, I fixed the back of a pocket watch casing to the back of the piece. There are two very nice 1/2 carat equivelent rhinestones placed into the center points of this star. The dangles are opalite (moonstone), and iolite colored Swarovski crystal. In the center of the larger, darker butterfly is a heart shaped metal bead, that seems to me to show the joy of freedom in flight. And I always find the moon to be a lovely place, for dreaming, for venturing; and the stars are a wonderful mode for transport.

Challenge of life: step out of your comfort zone... ask for something unexpected, do something you've not done, fly freely... to the Summer Moon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Free Gift ~ No Purchase Necessary!

First let me get the truth out of the way; I have been unavoidably detained from Whine-ing these last few days by a combination of factors; not the least of which was a "broken" computer... I DROPPED it! Then I made plans, hard plans, to write; and wouldn't you know (God) laughed... Then we were off on the family Disneyland trip, and me without a laptop! Finally, here I am... and here's your (not-so) Daily Whine!!

I have to say that there is nothing wrong with asking for "free stuff", and there is certainly nothing wrong with getting "free stuff" ~ Especially when there are no "strings" attached. But I'm a BEAD-ER! I have LOTS of strings, and stringing material, and I'm not afraid to use it!

Case in point; I have a friend on Twitter, that happens to work at/for Rings & Things. He was 'tweeting' about his day at work, that he was mailing out orders to customers, and I teasingly let him know that he could "mail me some beads, too". The next thing I know, I have this GROOVY compilation of findings and beads from Rings & Things and some great ideas (in the works) from looking at these NEW components!! Here is just one piece that I have already put together...

And I've only just begun...

"Christmas in July" is coming up on and I am taking part in it! I just need six more hands (that know what they're doing!!) and maybe 20 hours to CREATE! You can look through and find all kinds of things for "early shopping" or purchase for yourself. Wander over to and search for "Christmas in July Sale" or "CJIS" in the tags... You may find your lucky star!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Whine, Anyone?

ArtFire - Buy Handmade - Sell Handmade

And I will very often put this link into my posts... Why? Well, I'm an Art Fire MAVEN! It basically means I love Artfire enough to bear their children and scream it at the top of my lungs. Though birth does induce one to screaming, this would be an equally ecstatic hollering. And for further clarification on induce, please see Roget's II: The New Thesaurus for this: To be the cause of: bring, bring about, bring on, cause, effect, effectuate, generate, ingenerate, lead to, make, occasion, result in, secure, set off, stir 1 (up), touch off, trigger. Idioms: bring to pass (or effect), give rise to. See start

Artfire does not whine. Though I have heard a rumor, a few of the staff reads this blog. I, myself, am very happy to have no whining from not sellers, not staff, I don't think partners whine at And Artfire is inspirational. Another great reason to NOT whine.

So, while I'm not whining tonight, (it is early ~ only midnight-ish) I want to celebrate some NOT WHINE-RS; Artfire being my *first favorite*! If you are an active handmade seller, and you'd like to DROP your listing and selling fees, all together... here's the direct address; ~and~ if you'd like to LEND ME A HAND on the FREE RIDE PROGRAM; Register on (with/through me) and earn the possibility of a verified account FREE FOR LIFE!!

You see, with I have a legitimate inducement to holler, scream, dance, jump for joy, sing a the top of my lungs... they aren't whine-rs... they are creating winners. I have been inspired. I am creating more jewelry. I am utilizing my basic membership to propel me to verified member status. And if I have my way... I'm dragging some friends along, who aren't whine-rs either! We'll see you there, at Artfire.

Next post will be all about the loves of my life regarding jewelry making supplies

To see my current listings of jewelry visit:
my Artfire studio here: AlsoMrsB's beads & baubles on
~ OR ~
my etsy shop here: AlsoMrsB's beads & baubles on Etsy

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Whine Time is it Late or is it Early?

For me the best time to be at ease (in my own home!) is LATE at night, when everyone is in bed; hopefully fast asleep. Now when you look at the clock, for the time that I actually post "the Whine" it is after 2:30am. Is this LATE or is this EARLY? And when does the change differentiate? Does it matter if I'm on a different coast, or in the mid-west? And does it involve complex math? Today I don't give a hoonanny... I'm up and I'm writing! (this was July 5th sometime after 3am)

(this is July 6th sometime after 3am PDT)
Today's "Whine" is about Peaceful Freedom...

I recently got introduced to a quote from Malcolm X, "You cannot separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has freedom."

And on this holiday weekend(ed) that our country celebrates it's freedom from Monarchy, we are fighting (a war) for peace and freedom, in yet another country, still.

This brings me to many more rhetorical questions... only a couple of which are truly tongue-in-cheek... and by now it's too late to remember them...

It's been a FULL twenty-four hours since I started this particular post, until now... So I will simply tell you a little bit about my peacefully free weekend. I have been pretty busy with the family branches.

Husband has been sullen since I stated that I did NOT want a bicycle because my finances are non-compliant. (I currently have a little bit of reverse cash flow in my life...) He, however, feels that the quality family time would out weigh the financial 'burden'... it would have been on HIS credit card. Call me crazy; but
this phrase is one I constantly hear from him, "NOTHING GOES ON THE CREDIT CARD!" So I thought that I stepped up by opting out of another debt for our household. Apparently not. He hasn't spoken to me in days. And, although it's peaceful, it certainly is not free.

I've spent ample time with my children over this weekend, (not that I don't have them with me every day...) but we've actually LEFT THE HOUSE. The entire family, including Grandma, (my Mom) participated in a community event, today. We thoroughly enjoyed the sunny weather, with a touch of breeze at the San Diego Embarcadero, while taking in a special performance of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra (directed by Marvin Hamlisch) there were some musical guests and bonuses, as well. It was a beautiful day with beautiful music, and it was FREE though not totally peaceful. Because just
before the concert started there was an entire squadron of helicopters that flew over our venue. It was truly awesome... I caught someone's passing comment; it was very relieving to know that this particular squadron was not just ON our team BUT WAS OUR TEAM.

The comment was fleeting, but hit a nerve, for sure... "Isn't it a blessing to know that those are "our troops" and they are waving only to say "hello"." Wow. I had to catch my breath and realize that this person had been in war zones, and seen it the other way, at least once. And I did say a prayerful note of thanks, out loud, for my (our) freedom. To assemble (peaceably)
with my (whole) family, to speak (freely) with others and not worry about what is said, to be listening to (several types) of music played by all types of musicians on many instruments, (and to be 'allowed' to dance badly). It was truly an amazing day. Again, let me state, it was FREE but not totally peaceful.

I believe that I have completely understood what Malcolm X meant by his words. I believe that it only took me a nano-second as I watched those helicopters fly over; those people are PROTECTING my freedom, so I can be at PEACE fully. Know freedom, know peace. No freedom, no peace.

Bright blessings, to all. May your day today be peaceful and free.

Find my One-of-a-Kind jewelry here

The First of Daily Whine

So, actually the reason I finally started this "little adventure" was because of a contest...

Contests usually catch my eye, and when they involve my favorite handcraft-ing sellers and $100 shopping sprees; well, it's a sure thing, I'm in. So, here it is, The Daily Whine, all thanks to and their facebook fan page contest for a $100 shopping spree.

I'm gonna let you all in on my secret; I LOVE TO SHOP! Did you catch that? I am absolutely a fanatic about looking at and for things on the internet. I very rarely have moeny to purchase the things I covet, but I will spend DAYS looking in shops and studios, dreaming of holding the items before my eyes.

I'm going to take you on a short trip. I promise you'll enjoy it... we're going to SHOP at Art Fire! We are going to browse, together, through one of my MOST FAVORITE studios: Gypsy Lady Hats. Click this:

Let me see if I can link in a couple of pics for you to oggle;

You see, that wasn't so bad... Now, if you'd like the chance to ACTUALLY SHOP with me on, then go to their facebook fanpage here: and tell them you're a FAN!! At the end of the month of July, one lucky blog posting fan and one even luckier, "like-er" will be chosen to have $100 shopping sprees. There's more... but you'll have to check it out for yourself. And, please, if you're on my friends list, and you're reading this post; PLEASE FOR PETE'S SAKE, "like" my post on the facebook fanpage at
A girl's gotta have a dream.
Today, my dream is a little bitty shopping spree on for $100... 
I could dream a little dream for a day or two.
More Whin-ing later... now is time for sleeping!